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Hello I am


A woman who fell so deeply in love with romantic literature that she decided to share with others the crazy and fun love stories that were imprisoned in her mind.

I'm the mother of a beautiful girl, who takes up a lot of my time,  and that I love with passion. My daughter is my life!


I was born, grew up and do not intend to leave Recife, Pernambuco. I love my place! I live with my husband and my daughter. I recently became a "mother" of a plant lol, you can send me tips on instagram that I like.

I'm graduating in Pedagogy, but already thinking about postgraduate studies. I am freaked out!

It was from my passion for books that I decided to venture into the literary world and despite being new in this field, I have already managed to get some Best-Sellers on the website, with some of my books reaching over 1 million reads in their month of release. .  I currently have 15 books published and over 10 million pages read by amazon's Kindle Unlimited program.

I can't see myself anymore without writing and sharing my crazy ideas with my dear readers


Affectionate, outgoing, impulsive and too shy I love making new friends and acquiring new knowledge and experiences, I'm always reading and doing research for my works.

My mission as a writer is to convey the same sensations I get when I read something. I want them to travel, feel, experience all the emotions that my characters experience. I want to be able to make them leave their reality a little and at the same time take some attitudes as learning to their daily lives. I try to convey as much reality as possible in everything I write, because I want you to see that despite our sad reality, love can be able to overcome everything.

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